The defence Electromagnetic (EM) environment is a highly complex and challenging arena for platforms and systems to operate. All equipment is expected to operate as designed without degradation; therefore, all equipment is required to undergo rigorous testing.
The process of taking a product from the design and development phase through to compliance and acceptance is particularly challenging, as the testing / EM environment is more onerous than most other industry sectors. Further complexities to consider, such as the environment / location of use (Land/Sea/Air), have a significant impact on the design which may conflict with best Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) design and best practices.
WEMEC has many years of experience in the field of defence EMC and can support your company at any level required; managing platforms and equipment through to compliance and liaising with the User to supporting with testing or test plan writing. WEMEC will become part of your team, bringing expertise and assisting wherever required.
The increasing trend of using platforms and equipment from the commercial sector not designed for the defence environment brings many challenges (COTS to MOTS). The benefits of using commercial equipment are many but the expectation of functionality in the more onerous EM environment is still required. WEMEC is highly experienced with the process and has mastered the skills required to modify commercial equipment to operate in the required EM environment whilst maintaining the elements that made the use of commercial equipment so attractive to the User.
There are multiple standards in the defence sector and the choice of standards and test levels required to meet are dependent on the end User, equipment functionality, and location of use. WEMEC are active on a number of Working Groups and have been Technical Authors on a number of Defence Standard re-writes, representing both Dstl and DE&S. WEMEC is well versed with the following standards which are commonly used for the assessment of defence equipment:
Standards and Legislations
With WEMEC’s knowledge and expertise in the Defence Sector, we provide a cost effective and efficient service to ensure EMC compliance to the relevant standards and ensure interoperability when in operation.
- Def Stan 59-41 / Def Stan 59-411 – Electromagnetic Compatibility Pts 1- 5
- Def Stan 59-114 – Safety Principles for Electrical Circuits in Systems Incorporating Explosive Components
- Mil Std 461- Requirements For The Control Of Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics of Subsystems and Equipment
- Mil Std 810 – Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests
- Def Stan 61-005 Part 6 – Nominal 12V and 24V DC Electrical Systems in Military Platforms
- Mil Std 1275 – Characteristics of 28V DC Electrical Systems in Military Vehicles
- AECTP 500 – Electrical / Electromagnetic Environmental Tests
- AECTP 250 – Electrical / Electromagnetic Environmental Conditions
- JSP 392 – Management of radiation protection in defence
- 2013/35/EU / SI 2016/588 – EMF Directive and Control Electromagnetic Fields At Work (CEMFAW 2016)
- 2014/30/EU / SI 2016/1091 – EMC Directive & EMC Regulations for CE / UKCA Marking (no defence exemption)
- CLC/TR 50427 – Assessment of inadvertent ignition of flammable atmospheres by radio-frequency radiation
It is very common for systems under test to be required to meet multiple different standards. WEMEC’s in-depth knowledge of the standards allows the generation of a test plan incorporating a gap analysis to allow multiple standards to be met in a single test routine, ensuring efficiency in test time and cost.

On-Site Trials
WEMEC specialises in on-site trials. These trials are a key tool for our client to understand performance before undertaking compliance trials. On-site trials allow the supplier to understand performance and validate design changes efficiently at the supplier’s location without the added cost of test facilities and time.
The following are examples of on-site trials WEMEC offers:
More Industries
WEMEC has experience with multiple disciplines within a multitude of industry sectors.